
After a user completes a measurement or when the prescription period ends, the user and physician receive (periodic) reports with results and insights into the measurement(s).

Request a measurement report and render the PDF


The getMeasurementReportUrl method accepts a measurementId and handles the creation and fetching of the report.

  • The first time you execute this function for a measurement, it will take a little longer. The cloud service will render the report synchronously. Once it's ready (~5s) a URL will be returned. The report is available at this URL.

  • Subsequent calls will be much faster, as the report is already rendered and the URL will be returned almost instantly.

  • The PDF will always be rendered in the user's language. This is the language that was specified during the user's registration process. Currently, the supported languages are: de, en, es, fr, it, nl, ar and zh. When other languages are provided, the report will fall back to the default language en.

This functionality works great in combination with url_launcher.

import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';
import 'package:flutter_fibricheck_sdk/flutter_fibricheck_sdk.dart';

_reportUrl = await _sdk.getMeasurementReportUrl(widget.measurement.id!);

Future<void> _launchUrl() async {
    final url = Platform.isAndroid ? "https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=$reportUrl" : reportUrl;
    if (await canLaunchUrl(Uri.parse(url))) {
      if (!await launchUrl(Uri.parse(url))) {
        throw 'Could not launch $reportUrl';


Rendering a PDF report using the REST API takes 3 simple steps. The first step is only needed when no report has been created yet.

Step 1 • Generate a report

Generate a new report

POST https://api.fibricheck.com/data/v1/measurement-reports/documents

    "query": "{\"$and\":[{\"data.measurementId\":{\"$eq\":\"63ee4771e8c20b1bfb1bf617\"}},{\"$or\":[{\"$and\":[{\"userIds\":{\"$eq\":\"5811c7a046e0fb000530a465\"}}]},{\"$and\":[{\"groupIds\":{\"$in\":[\"5919759152faff000545b18c\"]}}]}]}]}",
    "page": {
        "total": 1,
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 1
    "data": [
            "id": "63ee47a8e8c20b8ab31bfbeb",
            "groupIds": [],
            "userIds": [
            "creatorId": "5811c7a046e0fb000530a465",
            "status": "rendered",
            "statusChangedTimestamp": "2023-02-16T15:11:40.246Z",
            "data": {
                "measurementId": "63ee4771e8c20b1bfb1bf617",
                "language": "EN",
                "forMeasurementUpdatedTimestamp": 1676560280650,
                "readFileToken": "63ee47ac7e2b7133cf59c983-5ec781dc-1616-4793-8dd7-31dfa764d947"
            "updateTimestamp": "2023-02-16T15:11:40.250Z",
            "creationTimestamp": "2023-02-16T15:11:36.698Z"

This API call should be executed with the following body to trigger a report creation:

    "measurementId" : "{measurementId}"
    "language": "EN"
  • measurementId identifies the measurement for which you want to generate a report.

  • language defines the language in which the report will be generated. It is advised to use the user's set language.

The report is generated in the timezone of the user that performed the measurement. Once a report is generated, it's not possible to change the timezone anymore. To change the timezone of the report, you have to change the timezone of the user.

To generate a report for a measurement, make sure that the measurement status is set toanalyzed, pending-review or reviewed

Step 2 • Fetch the report file token

Using the measurementId from the measurement, execute the API call below. This will return the latest generated report.

Fetch report details

GET https://api.fibricheck.com/data/v1/measurement-reports/documents?limit(1)&sort(-id)&eq(data.measurementId,{measurementId})

Query Parameters



    "query": "{\"$and\":[{\"data.measurementId\":{\"$eq\":\"63ee4771e8c20b1bfb1bf617\"}},{\"$or\":[{\"$and\":[{\"userIds\":{\"$eq\":\"5811c7a046e0fb000530a465\"}}]},{\"$and\":[{\"groupIds\":{\"$in\":[\"5919759152faff000545b18c\"]}}]}]}]}",
    "page": {
        "total": 1,
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 1
    "data": [
            "id": "63ee47a8e8c20b8ab31bfbeb",
            "groupIds": [],
            "userIds": [
            "creatorId": "5811c7a046e0fb000530a465",
            "status": "rendered",
            "statusChangedTimestamp": "2023-02-16T15:11:40.246Z",
            "data": {
                "measurementId": "63ee4771e8c20b1bfb1bf617",
                "language": "EN",
                "forMeasurementUpdatedTimestamp": 1676560280650,
                "readFileToken": "63ee47ac7e2b7133cf59c983-5ec781dc-1616-4793-8dd7-31dfa764d947"
            "updateTimestamp": "2023-02-16T15:11:40.250Z",
            "creationTimestamp": "2023-02-16T15:11:36.698Z"

Best Practice

We recommend to compare data.forMeasurementUpdatedTimestamp from the report with value with the updateTimestamp from the measurement. If the measurement timestamp is later than the report timestamp, a new report should be generated (see step 1) because the measurement data has been updated.

If data.status is set to rendered, the PDF report is available for downloading.

Step 3 • Fetch the PDF report URL

Using data.readFileToken from step 2 you can construct the URL at which the PDF is available:


This endpoint is publicly available.

Request periodic reports

Periodic reports are generated automatically on predetermined timeframes. This can be manual, 7 days, 30 days or at the end of a prescription.

Note that B2C Essential users will not receive periodic reports!


The getPeriodicReports method returns a paginated result with all periodic reports for the authenticated user. You can find the measurements from that period in the data.measurements property. You can also use the next and previous methods available on the result to navigate through the user's measurements.

In periodic reports, the trigger field indicates for which period the report was made. This can be 7 days, 30 days or at the end of a prescription.

The getPeriodicReportPdf method retrieves a PDF version of the report. This method takes a reportId as a parameter. The PDF is rendered in the user's language.

import 'package:flutter_fibricheck_sdk/flutter_fibricheck_sdk.dart';

_sdk.getPeriodicReports(true); // true -> get newest reports first
await res.getNextPagedPeriodicReportsResult(); // get next 20 reports
await res.getPreviousPagedPeriodicReportsResult(); // get previous 20 reports

// To request a specific report in PDF format, use the following method 
await _sdk.getPeriodicReportPdf(reportId);

If you save the PDF you could render it in the app with a package such as https://pub.dev/packages/pdf_render


Get periodic reports

GET https://api/reports/v1?sort(-creation_timestamp)&user_id={userId}

This API call returns a list of periodic reports for a given user

Query Parameters



The user for which you want to fetch reports

    "query": "{ {\"user_id\": {\"$oid\": \"5a2e547a46e0fb00053adfc2\"}, \"group_id\": {\"$in\": [{\"$oid\": \"5919759152faff000545b18c\"}]}}  }",
    "page": {
        "total": 9,
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 20
    "data": [
            "id": "5bfaaef96522050007a622d7",
            "group_id": "5919759152faff000545b18c",
            "user_id": "5a2e547a46e0fb00053adfc2",
            "content": {
                "start_timestamp": 1540559595630,
                "end_timestamp": 1543151595630
            "status": "COMPLETE",
            "trigger": "PERIOD_DAYS_PASSED_30",
            "tags": [
            "status_updated_timestamp": 1543156291414,
            "creation_timestamp": 1543155449711,
            "update_timestamp": 1543156291414
            "id": "5bd31a89e828860007cc9810",
            "group_id": "5919759152faff000545b18c",
            "user_id": "5a2e547a46e0fb00053adfc2",
            "content": {
                "start_timestamp": 1537967595630,
                "end_timestamp": 1540559595630,
                "measurements": [
                        "id": "5bd0766e1124bd47d1974a4b",
                        "visible": true
                        "id": "5bb5f4d9e2b0930b3657a57c",
                        "visible": true
            "status": "COMPLETE",
            "trigger": "PERIOD_DAYS_PASSED_30",
            "tags": [
            "status_updated_timestamp": 1545127396954,
            "creation_timestamp": 1540561545640,
            "update_timestamp": 1545127396954
            "id": "5bb235c08970110006cebf23",
            "creator_id": "5a2e547a46e0fb00053adfc2",
            "group_id": "5919759152faff000545b18c",
            "user_id": "5a2e547a46e0fb00053adfc2",
            "content": {
                "start_timestamp": 1535813815911,
                "end_timestamp": 1538405815911
            "status": "COMPLETE",
            "trigger": "MANUAL",
            "tags": [
            "share": {
                "hash": "dbfe970ce6f7a26b88829cb426e896a9e91f6ac0",
                "creation_timestamp": 1538477697487
            "status_updated_timestamp": 1540291283308,
            "creation_timestamp": 1538405824344,
            "update_timestamp": 1540291283308
            "id": "5bb1f6398970110006cebf21",
            "creator_id": "5a2e547a46e0fb00053adfc2",
            "group_id": "5919759152faff000545b18c",
            "user_id": "5a2e547a46e0fb00053adfc2",
            "content": {
                "start_timestamp": 1535797540457,
                "end_timestamp": 1538389540457
            "status": "COMPLETE",
            "trigger": "MANUAL",
            "tags": [
            "share": {
                "hash": "cd335c749bda079406bfc9c95f2c856369b3c052",
                "creation_timestamp": 1538477533308
            "status_updated_timestamp": 1540291246981,
            "creation_timestamp": 1538389561544,
            "update_timestamp": 1540291246981
            "id": "5bab87ea8970110006cebcde",
            "group_id": "5919759152faff000545b18c",
            "user_id": "5a2e547a46e0fb00053adfc2",
            "content": {
                "start_timestamp": 1535375595630,
                "end_timestamp": 1537967595630,
                "measurements": [
                        "id": "5ba6856a5599f28d1dcce22b",
                        "visible": true
                        "id": "5b97d40121559987acfcb869",
                        "visible": true
                        "id": "5b8c2ad753aaa05217b6ae6c",
                        "visible": true
            "status": "COMPLETE",
            "trigger": "PERIOD_DAYS_PASSED_30",
            "tags": [
            "status_updated_timestamp": 1540287449719,
            "creation_timestamp": 1537968106659,
            "update_timestamp": 1540287449719
            "id": "5b83fd1c46e0fb0005738334",
            "group_id": "5919759152faff000545b18c",
            "user_id": "5a2e547a46e0fb00053adfc2",
            "content": {
                "start_timestamp": 1532783595630,
                "end_timestamp": 1535375595630,
                "measurements": [
                        "id": "5b65d05430fb89d5e674d101",
                        "visible": true
                        "id": "5b63740530fb894ab77492cf",
                        "visible": true
            "status": "COMPLETE",
            "trigger": "PERIOD_DAYS_PASSED_30",
            "tags": [
            "status_updated_timestamp": 1540287219328,
            "creation_timestamp": 1535376668579,
            "update_timestamp": 1540287219328
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            "group_id": "5919759152faff000545b18c",
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                "end_timestamp": 1532783595630
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            "trigger": "PERIOD_DAYS_PASSED_30",
            "tags": [
            "status_updated_timestamp": 1540287105514,
            "creation_timestamp": 1534160416628,
            "update_timestamp": 1540287105514
            "id": "5b34ebfa46e0fb00057382f2",
            "group_id": "5919759152faff000545b18c",
            "user_id": "5a2e547a46e0fb00053adfc2",
            "content": {
                "start_timestamp": 1527599595630,
                "end_timestamp": 1530191595630
            "status": "COMPLETE",
            "trigger": "PERIOD_DAYS_PASSED_30",
            "tags": [
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            "creation_timestamp": 1530194938634,
            "update_timestamp": 1540286984442
            "id": "5ae5cc1ec9e77c000533a3e2",
            "group_id": "5919759152faff000545b18c",
            "user_id": "5a2e547a46e0fb00053adfc2",
            "content": {
                "start_timestamp": 1522415595630,
                "end_timestamp": 1525007595630,
                "measurements": [
                        "id": "5abe90f94cedfd00056ea6ad",
                        "visible": true
                        "id": "5abe769e4cedfd00056ea6ac",
                        "visible": true
            "status": "COMPLETE",
            "trigger": "PERIOD_DAYS_PASSED_30",
            "tags": [
            "status_updated_timestamp": 1540286639636,
            "creation_timestamp": 1525009438704,
            "update_timestamp": 1540286639636

To render a PDF version of the periodic report:

Render periodic report

GET https://api.fibricheck.com/reports/v1/{reportId}/pdf?language={language}&time_zone={timeZone}

This API call renders a PDF version of a periodic report.

Path Parameters




The report for which a PDF version needs to be generated

Query Parameters




The language in which te report should be generated



The timezone in which te report should be generated

    // Response

Last updated