When a user is registered, a profile is created automatically. The user's profile contains personal information about the user and the device. For accurate measurements, it's important to keep this profile up-to-date.
App Development Best Practice
Make sure to regularly update the profile information, preferably after every login and when the user navigates to the main home screen of your application.
Profile Schema
The JSON snippet below shows the structure of a user profile.
If you want to update the profile using the REST API, you need to know the userId of the user that is currently logged in. The userId is available in response of the /tokens endpoint after a successful authentication attempt.
In the body of the API call you can provide all the profile fields, or a subset from the profile schema in JSON format. If you provide a subset, the updated values will be merged into the existing profile.
The user for which you want to update the profile information.
"records_affected": 1
Get information about the authenticated user
For some API functionality, you need to have more information about the authenticated user. For example, to generate a periodic report you'll want to know the language in which to generate the report.
If you're using the SDK, the information will be fetched internally. If you are using the REST API endpoints, you can use the /me call to get the necessary information.