
To use the FibriCheck API, there are two levels of authentication:

  • Application authentication: your application needs to have credentials to communicate with FibriCheck

  • User authentication: the end user needs to have proper credentials to authenticate against FibriCheck

FibriCheck supports OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 mechanisms for authentication and authorization of users.

Authentication via OAuth 1.0

When using OAuth 1.0, you need to add 2 sets of credentials to each request to the FibriCheck API:

  • The Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, identify the application and are always required. We provide these credentials to you.

  • The Access Token and Token Secret identify the user and are always required except for the user registration and authentication call. The authentication call that exchanges a e-mail/password combination for an Access Token and Token Secret is described below.

Keep in mind that an access token and token secret must always be used with the consumer key/secret they were generated with.

The remainder of this page discusses how to authenticate existing users, take a look here to learn more about registering new users.


import 'package:flutter_fibricheck_sdk/flutter_fibricheck_sdk.dart';

// In this example we use the localstorage as a storage option for the credentials.
// Other packages or persistent storage methods can be used as well.
// More information: https://pub.dev/packages/localstorage
_storage = new LocalStorage('my_app');

_sdk = FLFibriCheckSdk.client("{consumerKey}", "{consumerSecret}");

void onConsentNeeded(List<Consent> documentsToSign) {
    for (var document in documentsToSign) {
        // 1. Request approval from the user

        // 2. Pass the document back to the sdk

var res = await _sdk.authenticateWithEmail(
      ParamsOauth1WithEmail(email: "{userEmail}", password: "{userPassword}"),
      (consents) {
//save token
storage.setItem('token', res.token);
//save token secret
storage.setItem('tokenSecret', res.tokenSecret);

The tokenData information can be used to authenticate the user for subsequent API calls.

var res = await _sdk.authenticateWithToken(
      ParamsOauth1WithToken(token: storage.getItem('token'), tokenSecret: storage.getItem('tokenSecret')), (consents) {


Authenticate using OAuth 1.0

POST https://api.fibricheck.com/auth/v2/oauth1/tokens





OAuth 1.0 Authorization Header

Request Body






    "applicationId": "5811ccc246e0fb0006efdc8d",
    "userId": "4a060568f0e0c45a11b03507",
    "token": "c7b2b7bd40b3d707b0b26005c23e8d0159d15f14",
    "tokenSecret": "a720e145acf6325bfb4fea698adfcabb6ddf52bf",
    "updateTimestamp": "2023-02-21T12:37:01.491Z",
    "creationTimestamp": "2023-02-21T12:37:01.491Z",
    "id": "83a3bf39c13dfeb75c6543b1"

To implement the OAuth 1 protocol, additional parameters such as a request signature and nonce need to be added to the request. The FibriCheck Postman workspace contains an example request to authenticate successfully.

Also, libraries exist for each platform that facilitates performing OAuth 1.0 requests, for example node-oauth in the Node.JS ecosystem.

Authentication via OAuth 2.0

When you choose to authenticate via OAuth 2.0 (RFC 6749), you will receive a clientId and clientSecret.

Each of the API calls below are protected using the client_secret_basic method. The Authorization header must be in the Basic: encodedString format, where the encodedString is a result of Base64 encoding of OAuth client’s clientId:clientSecret.

Password grant flow

    "grant_type": "password",
    "username": "{user_email}",
    "password": "{user_password}"

Refresh token grant flow

After an initial login you can use the previously obtained refresh token to get a new token.

    "grant_type": "refresh_token",
    "refresh_token": "{refresh_token}"

The access_token in the result can be used to authenticate other calls using Bearer authentication.

Get access tokens using the password grant flow

POST https://api.fibricheck.com/auth/v2/oauth2/tokens

    "access_token": "78f33670236eaa4181edac918c871cd474b9e6fa",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 299.996,
    "refresh_token": "11011eabe30371cfebbb401c36531bd1451f6121",
    "user_id": "6422a0d97db02e7197c8dfcf",
    "application_id": "64f242bdbc3be60b821863ed"

With every new access token, a new refresh token is provided. Make sure always to store the latest refresh token.

Token Lifetime

The different OAuth2.0 tokens have a limited lifetime

  • Access token: 5 minutes

  • Refresh token: until used or until revoked

Disable Authentication

Rest API

You can disable user authentication/access by removing their authentication tokens. This means the user will be logged out and must log in again to continue.

Execute an API call with the following payload to remove their authentication tokens:

    "data": {
        "command": "delete-authentication",
        "data": {
          "userId": "{userId}",
          "groupId": "{groupId}"

Delete User Authentication

POST https://api.fibricheck.com/tasks/v1/functions/integration/execute

Request Body





Last updated